When you have no money, but find a vision, you must be creative to start! The only two things we focused on were: community and content. Since then
every single day has been crazy..
In 2020, when the pandemic washed away dreams for so many, we risked everything to start a community in Budapest! We wanted to tell our story our way. Taking small steps towards brave goals. You'd be amazed how we found a like-minded team that you could never get bored with. We went viral again and again, quickly becoming a force to be reckoned with.
"The future is collective!"
When many doubted the importance of vertical videos, we already saw the wave that since has changed our media and culture globally, forever.
Together, we're on a mission to bring the media industry DEEP-er and redefine what it means to be a creative powerhouse! Get inspired, reach out, and unleash your potential in our extraordinary atmosphere!